Sebastian ( Chile ) Europareise 2019:
"7 Länder, 19 Tage, mehr als 50 Leute. Die letzen 3 Wochen sind verrückt gewesen, aber auch die tollsten Wochen unseres Austauschjahres. Diese Reise werden wir nie vergessen!!“
Dear Inbounds, dear Parents, dear host parents,
The euro trip is probably the highlight of your exchange year in the district 1890. This year we war proud, that also participants from district 1880 will join us.
That’s why we created this site, so that you can always inform yourself about the trip and see who also subscribed themselves (only visible to subscribed inbounds). You can always inform yourself about the trip and the team, also you can read experiences from former inbounds and see photos from their trips. We will always update this website with new information. During the trip your parents, host parents, your rotary club and friends will be able to keep track of where you are and what you are experiencing. ..
We’re looking forward to the trip with you
Your team euro trip district 1890
Kick-Off Meeting muss leider ausfallen!